Memorandum in Support: Raising the Age of Criminal Responsibility in New York State

The New York State Psychiatric Association, Inc. (NYSPA hereinafter) is the medical specialty organization representing approximately 4,000 psychiatrists practicing in New York State and a division of the American Psychiatric Association.


Memorandum in Support: An Act to Amend the Public Health law and the Education Law, in Relation to Electronic Prescriptions

The New York State Psychiatric Association, Inc., the medical specialty organization representing approximately 4,000 psychiatrists practicing in New York State and a division of the American Psychiatric Association, supports the above referenced legislation.


Summary of the 2014 Legislative Session

To use a sports analogy, the Legislative Session went into overtime as the Legislature and Governor worked to hammer out deals on some outstanding issues, including a package of bills aimed at combating the heroin and opioid epidemic, medical marijuana and teacher evaluations. Legislation related to these three areas required messages of necessity from the Governor to waive the three day aging process that is otherwise required. In the end, the Assembly worked into the wee hours of Friday morning to wrap up its business, while the Senate worked through Friday, adjourning at 9:38 p.m. bringing a close to the 2014 Legislative Session.


2014-15 Executive Budget Update

April 2, 2014
By Richard Gallo and Jamie Papapetros

The Senate and Assembly passed the budget bills comprising the $138 billion budget Monday and the Governor has signed them into law. NYSPA is proud to report that it achieved many favorable outcomes, including the defeat of efforts to eliminate prescriber prevails in Medicaid, prior authorization requirements for off-label prescribing in Medicaid, as well as a proposal to allow for the establishment of retail clinics (without a statutory exclusion for providing mental health services), while also securing an additional $450,000 in funding for the Veterans’ Mental Health Primary Care Training Initiative, conducted by NYSPA, MSSNY and the National Association of Social Workers – NYS, and major out-of-network insurance reforms.


Summary of Governor’s 2014-15 Executive Budget Proposal

The Governor presented his $142.1 billion Executive Budget Proposal for fiscal years 2014-15 on Tuesday, January 21, 2014, a growth of $1.3 billion or 0.9 percent.

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