Ed Amyot, MD

Candidate for NYSPA Secretary, 2014

Hi. I’m running for the position of Secretary in the election we’ll be holding at the NYSPA meeting March 22. I know many of you, some better than others, and thought it might be useful to provide some background information and some idea of how I see the position and how I hope to use it for the benefit of NYSPA and our members.

As most of you recall, I represent the Capital District Branch. I’ve been a member of APA since my training years, and over the years have served in every elected DB office. Since joining the NYSPA Executive Council, I’ve served as chair of the Public Psychiatry Committee and most recently on the ad hoc committee that tried to untangle apportionment of APA Assembly delegates among the various NYSPA DB’s. I did serve on the Assembly Committee on Public Psychiatry until “reapportionment” had me no longer serving there.

I’ve been active in MSSNY as well though not for as long as I’ve been with NYSPA, and have served as a delegate from Saratoga County to the MSSNY House of Delegates for the past decade. I’ve been active on the MSSNY Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine Committee, have previously served as chair of that committee and am in the process of being nominated again to the committee chair.

I’m a graduate of Albany Medical College and the Albany Medical Center Psychiatric Residency Program, and have worked in public psychiatry in Saratoga Springs since completing training, twenty-five years as staff psychiatrist in the Saratoga County Mental Health Clinic and the past five years as Medical Director for the Saratoga Hospital inpatient Mental Health Unit.

I’ve been active in Saratoga Hospital Medical Staff governance activities, served as Chair for the Psychiatry Department several times, held office as Medical Staff President and continue to serve as co-chair of the Credentials Committee and chair of the hospital Utilization Management committee. I’ve been active in hospital administration as well, and have served (twice) as (interim) Chief Medical Officer (you’d think I’d have learned my lesson the first time, right?).

If the information above wasn’t enough of a clue, I’ll tell you that I’m from upstate New York: I live about two blocks from the house my family lived in when I was born. When I came to Saratoga to work following residency, it was really a return to work (actually, it kind of felt like being drafted). I had worked for two years as a therapy aide in the same hospital, same unit where I’m now Medical Director. My relationship with public psychiatry actually predates even that: my mother (a general physician and the college infirmary doctor for Skidmore College) was one of the initial members when the Mental Health Board (precursor of todays’ Community Services Board) was formed in Saratoga County in the mid-1950’s, and the struggles of the early years of community psychiatry were often the stuff of dinner table conversation, and often with quite spirited commentary at that.

So: I’ve been involved in public/community psychiatry since about forever, have substantial experience in issues related to medical staff and hospital administration, can bring involvement and experience with MSSNY (I probably should have stressed that a bit more: it’s a critical relationship, NYSPA and MSSNY, and has very much to do with the fortunes of our profession in New York State, and with the legislature and state agencies) and have been active at the DB and Executive Council levels for NYSPA.

The office of Secretary, like that of Treasurer, has nominal duties of office, most all of which is ably done by NYS PA staff. The practical value of the office, to the organization and membership, is to provide additional voice at the Executive Committee, both in formal meetings and in informal leadership interactions. Diversity of background, education and experience is of value in that context. Willingness to speak up, in support or opposition, is necessary.

I think the experience I’ve outlined makes me a candidate for this office, and I promise I can speak up, for our patients, our organization and our Executive Council.

Thanks for considering voting for me.

See you in a few weeks.

Ed Amyot MD

Contact info:
518-584-1036 (home)
518-428-1096 (cell)
[email protected]